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Single Ply Alwitra Roofing

Single Ply Alwitra Roofing – 5 Major Benefits

November 15, 2020

Single Ply Alwitra roofing helps keep your building warm and secure.

Both practical and reliable, this type of roofing has become increasingly popular in residential, commercial and industrial building projects since the 1980’s. The term “single ply” is used to describe membranes that can be constructed in one solid layer, primarily for flat roof installations.

There are various types of single ply roofing membranes; two of the most notable examples are Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) and Thermoplastic Olefin (TPO). While there are several membrane options to choose from, All Roofing wants to give you a glimpse of the advantages that you can come to expect from using single ply membranes.

Single Ply Alwitra Roofing – Strong and Durable

Liquid Membrane

Although a single ply membrane roof is built from one compact layer, the life expectancy of it can be very reliable. The materials used to make the membrane help your roof withstand cracks and punctures, giving you a firm and reliable shelter. Most single ply roof installations may require some care and attention after 30-40 years.

This aptly brings us to our second point…

Alwitra Evalon is Easy to Build and Maintain

Single Ply Alwitra Roofing

Making the membrane and putting it into place are very fast and simple processes. This means that you will be provided with a roofing material that can easily be fixed or replaced whenever you see any signs of damage. Since the process of maintaining your single ply roof can be quickly and reliably done by us, you are entitled to a roofing solution that is not only easy to fix, but also time and cost efficient.

Weather and Chemical Resistance

Flat Roofing

Single ply membranes naturally offer a lot of protection against extreme weather changes by, for example, acting as a dependable waterproofing method against heavy rainfall. They are also highly resistant to ultraviolet light and hot temperatures from the Sun. It’s also worth noting that acid rain and other forms of chemical exposure will not damage singly ply membrane as much as some other roofing materials.

Alwitra Roofing’s Eco-friendly Possibilities

Single Ply Alwitra Roofing

Roofs made from single ply membrane are more likely to be recyclable, due to the materials used to produce them. Not only is the membrane we provide naturally sustainable, but also highly durable. The strength of this roofing type means that you would be able to install environmentally friendly additions to your project, such green roofing measures. This would give you the possibility of a roof that can absorb natural elements such as sunlight and heat, providing you with an energy-efficient light and heating system.

Single Ply Alwitra Roofing’s Natural Flexibility

Alwitra Flat Roofing

Last but not least, single ply membrane can be cut to fit the size and shape of any project, making it a highly popular bespoke item. Other details such as the colour and thickness of the membrane also factor into how you can customise it to match your specific project requirements. We want the end result to be as close to your vision as possible.

At All Roofing, we specialise in single ply, flat roofing services that incorporate all the above benefits. When it’s safe to carry out our business in-person, we would like to provide you with these advantages and the many more that stem from using our sustainable and dependable single ply membranes.

Stay safe,

The All Roofing team



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