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Flat Roofing

This flying tenant can put your whole family at risk!

January 15, 2022

It is no surprise that our climate is changing while the overall global temperature increases. Subsequently, this effects ecosystems by influencing animal behaviour and in particular birds are a very good indicator of environmental change.

As we approach the middle of January, already we can see fully formed nests appearing in multiple trees ready for the laying of eggs. Your roof can also be a great place for a bird to create a nest specifically under your roof tiles or in soffits which seem to be a magnet for birds as they are warm and secluded. Not only can this effect your property’s aesthetics, its structure but also your health.

Whether they are just passing by or making a nest under your roof tiles, there are several ways birds can harm your roof:

1. Damaged roof tiles

If your roof has any cracked or loose tiles then birds can exacerbate the problem. The other drawback is that birds nests are very attractive to insects which could also take over your roof space and cause structural issues.

2. Bird droppings

Not only does this look unsightly on your property but also their droppings contain a high quantity of uric acid which, can eat away at roofing materials and cause deterioration.

3. Blocked gutters

Birds tend to like gutters for nesting because they are a safe, isolated and have a freshwater supply. Their nests of course can block your home’s drainage system, which can lead to overflowing, leaks and potential water ingress into your roof space.

4. Waste and debris build-up

Did you know that many birds return to the same nesting place every year? This could be a serious problem and you may find a series of old, rotting nests in your roof which, can even impact your health. 

5. Fire

Another hazard bird nesting can cause is a fire. Birds nests are usually made from grass, dried leaves, twigs and other materials which means they are very flammable. Birds also tend to build their nests near electronic machinery, ventilation or chimneys due to the warmth.

Therefore performing regular roof maintenance is an important part of keeping birds away from your roof. Loose, cracked or missing tiles can quickly become a nice home for nesting birds.

If you are concerned that the state of your roof could lead to having a new flying tenant this winter then give All roofing a call to arrange a consultation.

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